Bay City was recorded on a farm in Denmark between 1996 and 1999. In spite of every circumstance mitigating against such an accomplishment, it is a startlingly American, culturally specific, folk (i.e. rock) document.
On the other side of every desert has always been and must always be... Bay City.
David Thomas and foreigners
David Thomas is the founder of the legendary Pere Ubu, a group The Wire described as "the greatest out-rock 'n' roll group of this millennium, and probably the next."
Jørgen Teller is a guitarist, sampler, songwriter and composer whose works focus on electro acoustics, soundsculpture, songwriting, dronepop, MIDI-guitar, grain-sample-synthesis, sound-works for international dance, performance, poetry, video, film and new architecture.
Per Buhl Acs plays clarinet, guitar and makes sound happen in poetic ways. He started in a punk band that over time developed into an experimental orchestra. Most of his current work, solo or in groups, is in dance/performance projects.
P. O. Jørgens is a drummer / percussionist. He composes for film, performance, video, theater and dance and records with various groups. He has just finished a 2 month tour / collaboration with the Ghana National Dance Troupe.