Murky angles Pink triangles is how I feel Fragments of thought Hang like mobiles in the air I feel abstract tonight.
Reminds me of a theory of mine I call it Spontaneous Simultude It goes something like this Everything Is Like Something Anything Like Something Else.
I can express it algebraically A equals B.
Let's try it on for size Complete this phrase Daved I Am Like __________ "I am like... a song." See how that makes sense!
Tony complete this phrase I Am Like __________ "A train" See how everything starts to make sense When you get spontaneous simultude going?
Allen I Am Like __________ "You" Wow.
Garo complete this phrase I Am Like __________ [Mumble] Like a what? Garo is from New York so we won't count him.
I'm going to complete a phrase I Am Like A Red Tin Bus It makes sense doesn't it?
I am like a red tin bus Made in Taiwan People's faces are painted on But they're painted on in alarm Who's that crazy bus driver sitting in the bus driver's seat?
Under the moonlight A woman and her bicycle Float carefree and buoyant Balanced in the air They drift between the banks of a slow deep stream.
Under the moonlight The night breathes and it enfolds us Its scent of warm skin fragrant and fine It binds us together Suspended in time we drift with the current of a slow deep stream.
Remember this moment Remember it tomorrow At the edge of the Winter Lake Say it out loud Say it.
Monster Magee thinks about the good days Nothing is guaranteed Nowhere is it said That a fellow with shoes as big as a boat Can't be bound and determined to float.
As the townspeople wave from the beach The water pulls Monster more out of reach Sky blue Salmon sea Gold's the color there's ought to be.
Monster thinks about the days he's going to see Monster thinks about the days that's going to be.