David Thomas Lyrics
Monster Walks The Winter Lake

My Town

All the dreams are paper crowns
Scraps of which thrown in the wind fall down
Round the wind corner
Tumble down
Scatter round
Fall down
My town.

Shadows sweep a tumbledown
Scraps of birds thrown in the wind fall down
Round the wind corner
Tumble down
Scatter by
Fall down
My town.

Birds are having a party
When the sun goes down
My town.

Writers: Thomas
© 1986 Hearpen Music

My Theory Of Spontaneous Simultude / Red Tin Bus

Murky angles
Pink triangles is how I feel
Fragments of thought
Hang like mobiles in the air
I feel abstract tonight.

Reminds me of a theory of mine
I call it Spontaneous Simultude
It goes something like this
Everything Is Like Something
Anything Like Something Else.

I can express it algebraically
A equals B.

Let's try it on for size
Complete this phrase Daved
I Am Like __________
"I am like... a song."
See how that makes sense!

Tony complete this phrase
I Am Like __________
"A train"
See how everything starts to make sense
When you get spontaneous simultude going?

Allen I Am Like __________

Garo complete this phrase
I Am Like __________
Like a what?
Garo is from New York so we won't count him.

I'm going to complete a phrase
I Am Like A Red Tin Bus
It makes sense doesn't it?

I am like a red tin bus
Made in Taiwan
People's faces are painted on
But they're painted on in alarm
Who's that crazy bus driver sitting in the bus driver's seat?

Writers: Thomas - Hild - Maimone - Ravenstine - Yellin
© 1986 Hearpen Music

Coffee Train

Makes me desperate
Makes me weird.

Coffee Train Feel that train a-coming.

I feel that train
I feel fuzzy.

The coffee train doesn't stop here does it?

Writers: Thomas - Maimone - Ravenstine
© 1986 Hearpen Music

What Happened To Me

Such a thing could never happen to me
Or anyone I know
Not I Not me
At the bottom of the sea.

To Pharoah
To Harold
To the Turks long ago
They were all laid low.

Hapless Hopeless
A figure of fun
Children are pointing
Saying he is the one.

Writers: Thomas
© 1986 Hearpen Music


Under the moonlight
A woman and her bicycle
Float carefree and buoyant
Balanced in the air
They drift between the banks of a slow deep stream.

Under the moonlight
The night breathes and it enfolds us
Its scent of warm skin fragrant and fine
It binds us together
Suspended in time we drift with the current of a slow deep stream.

Remember this moment
Remember it tomorrow
At the edge of the Winter Lake
Say it out loud
Say it.

Writers: Thomas - Maimone
© 1986 Hearpen Music

Monster Magee, King Of The Seas

Monster Magee
King of the seas
Monster Magee
Riddle me-ree.

Monster Magee
King of the seas
Monster Magee
He's a man of mystery.

Wheel him out here
What is black and white
And read all over?
Can you tell me when a door is not a door?

When it's ajar!

Monster Magee
Writers: Thomas
© 1986 Hearpen Music

Monster Walks The Winter Lake

Part 1
A monster is an imaginary animal
Compounded of incongruous elements.

We've patched ours together
From parts that don't matter
We made him live for someone to talk to.

He's monstrous and kind
Playful and charming
People love him and we love him too.

It's just he's got no heart
He's got no part of a past
No part of a future.

He's got nothing to confide
Nothing to share
What kind of a price to pay for no comfort?

Part 2
It's the silence between us
That stretches out most like forever
Or a winter lake.

White and unbroken
Tense and undeterred
Silence is physical.

Touch it.

Out there roams a great white bear
King of the Land of the Silence between us Signifies Time.

Overfed and deathly slow
Moby Bear!

Part 3
For Monster
It's always summertime
Don't you see he doesn't see?

Through the trees
Like it was a-snowing
Parts and parts of flowers are blowing.

Monster takes a walk with you
It's not so bad
Not so bad to be with me.

Oh the wind was a-blowing
Through the leaves
It was showing.

There's a monster
Walks with yo.
It's not so bad.

Part 4
Don't you see he doesn't see?
Down to the lake he goes
Watching the water roll in.

Down to the lake he goes
In his pickup truck
He's got stereo dogs in the back.

He's at the water
The water's big
It's gray and big.

He says Big.
Don't you see how big it is?
Watching the water go in.

Molecules of it are so big
They're bouncing off the rocks like popcorn
Brush it from your hair.

So darling reach your hand out
Take a handful

A molecule of your own choosing
A souvenir of the day Monster walks with you
A handful of air slips between your fingers.

Monster says
When I'm gone
Just don't say I never gave you anything.

And it's not so bad
It's not so bad is it?
Not so bad to be with me.

Writers: Thomas - Hild - Yellin
© 1986 Hearpen Music

Monster Thinks About The Good Days

Monster Magee thinks about the good days
Nothing is guaranteed
Nowhere is it said
That a fellow with shoes as big as a boat
Can't be bound and determined to float.

As the townspeople wave from the beach
The water pulls Monster more out of reach
Sky blue
Salmon sea
Gold's the color there's ought to be.

Monster thinks about the days he's going to see
Monster thinks about the days that's going to be.

Writers: Thomas - Maimone
© 1986 Hearpen Music